Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Globalization and the Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Globalization and the Media - Essay Example on the vulnerable and weaker cultures of varying communities. The essay aims at viewing cultural imperialism and whether the globalization of media is a form of cultural imperialism looking at both the positive and the negative aspects of globalization of media on cultural influences at large. Cultural imperialism can be understood as the form of imposing the values of one national culture upon others and media is considered to be in the central role for acting as the carriers of cultural images and meanings, which penetrate and then dominate the local culture of the subordinate nation (Schiller1989). For instance, Hollywood movies post Vietnam War presented the content and context in such a way that showed Vietnamese as uncivilized, thus making the war seem to be acceptable. In more particular concern, the owners of the global media production as well as transmission are just a small number of corporations and that too mostly Americans. For example, past two decades have witnessed the large and wide expansion of the pop music industry, 24 hour music channels like MTV in America, Asia and European countries. The fact is that the production and distribution of 70% of all the pop music is in hands of few multinational media corporations (Mowlana 1997). There are positive globalizers who see the globalization of media as the form of opening up to positive opportunities such as internet that provides voice to people and leading to democratization of the communication across the globe. On the other hand, pessimistic globalizers view this phenomenon of media globalization as a form of cultural imperialism where the whole process of production, distribution and promotion is in hands of few giant global media corporations, such as Viacom, Disney, Time-Warner, news Corporation, etc. The media products of these corporations joined with
Monday, October 28, 2019
The Important Act Of Reading In Life English Language Essay
The Important Act Of Reading In Life English Language Essay Reading is one of the important things in our lives. For sure, we will read every day and it is not important that what types of the material that we read, it just that we read. Watching also can be one of the medium of reading. We watch movies or something also we learn, and how it is happen is we watch something and our mind will interpret what we see and that our mind will unite what we have seen and it will became our knowledge. Why this also can link to the meaning of reading is, reading also need we to unite the letter become words and words will became sentence. This has the same way we watch and we read. That why watching also one of the reading. Some people, to make them more understand on what they are read, they need to watch videos, picture and diagrams or charts. Someone must to read because with reading we can get more knowledge and experience. That why there a proverbs says that reading people is knowledgeable generations. Without reading people will get lack of knowledge. In communication also we need knowledge and we get the knowledge from reading. Without reading, how people can share their knowledge, how people can know what happen in this worlds, how people can talk very well without experience and make knowledge, this all from reading. We all know that the science world start from the reading. Here we can conclude that reading was really important in the field of education. That why in the field of education, there are concept of 3M (Membaca, Menulis, dan Mengira). Here we can see that one of the important concepts learning in the field of education is reading. In Islam also say reading is important. This can be prove by, Nabi Muhammad saw himself get the first revelation from Allah and that was IQRA mean Bacalahà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦.. Here we can know that Allah also called his people to read. There are many type of reading, read aloud, shared reading, guided reading, fluency reading, and independent reading. Read aloud is the way that we read, and this also one way of teaching especially for the blind student and pre-school student. For shared reading is the group of people shared their idea, knowledge and experience from what they have read. Guided reading is someone has to be guided in their study to become more independent. Here mean that, student learn or read something but guided by tutor. Fluency reading is the how fluent someone in his or her reading, if he or she can read faster, that mean he or she already fluent in reading and he or she slow in the reading, he or she must work hard because they still not fluent in reading. Independent reading is someone that already fluent in reading, this kind of people no need guide anymore. However, all of this must practice every day and this was the behavior in reading. It is also can be known as reading habits. Reading habits can be described as someone hobbies, he or she make the reading as his or her hobbies and this must be regularly read. Example, he read newspaper every day. Here we can see that reading is really important. One of the important of the reading is reading can enriches someone knowledge. By reading we will directly exposure to the world. That why with reading we will be exposing and learn new thing. Every day we will get new knowledge. Besides that, reading also can increase the reading skill of someone, this skill really important for student. More reading can improve someone or student in reading skill and fluent in reading. With reading also can improve someone reading, she or he can fluent in reading, and he or she can learn more. According to chickiemomma1961, November, 2010, reading is important because it affects your whole life and everything you do. Want to drive? You have to know how to read the signs, the handbook, the testing materials, etc. Want to buy a home? Youll have to know how to read that contract, unless you want to be ripped off! Every contract you ever sign, from leases, to credit cards, to loans, will need to be read. Reading also can give someone wide in knowledge and experience. Any material that we read would give knowledge and experience because with reading we will get new knowledge and new thing. That why, student who have reading habits will good in study because he have something new to shared, to write in his essay and can confidently communicate with his friends and teachers. The student also have high IQs, creative and have better results id they like to read and make reading as their hobbies. Reading will help them in studies. Besides that, reading also can improve their language, speaking and learning. If student want to improve their language, he or she must read more. With reading someone can make his or her language better and can confidently in talking. All people know the important of the reading in their life especially parents, government and ministry of education. These parties try to increase the reading habits among student and peoples. There are research have been doing to survey the reading habits among Malaysian people. According to Woman battles serious book dependency problem blog, (Monday August 28, 2006), from Sharmag articleà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦.the depressing state of readership in Malaysia on Sunday, August 13, 2006 saysà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ a lot about Malaysia when in population of 25 million, the local industry can only print 1,000 to 3,000 copies per general titleà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦says Law King Hui, president of the Malaysian Book Publishers Association. From the Daily Express published on Sunday, May 23, 2010, based on the statistics issued by the National Statistics Department during the year 2002, Malaysian students only read two books a year. Many students perceived that reading is a waste of time and they only read for purpose of passing examinations. We are quite aware the myriad of benefits that can be acquired by reading books and the positive progressive result that it can induce for the country. From what have been talks above seem that our government and ministry of education really care about the reading habits among Malaysian people and student in Malaysia. There are many program have been handle like NILAM PROGRAM cooperation between ministries of education and the library in Malaysia. There are also the programs like KEMPEN MARILAH MEMBACA. School also conducts campaigns such as lectures, NILAM program, and provides incentives such as giving a gift to any student who reads a lot. Most important is the encouraged from the parent and people. There are few ways to improve reading among people and students. First ways is people and students always have a material around to read. This means that everywhere they go they must bring materials for they read. Examples, reading newspaper in bus or reading novels while waiting for the train, and so on. There can read anytime and anywhere they can, there no reason says that they have no time for readings. There must time to spend in readings. Even, our Prime Ministry also have time to read why not us as people and students. Besides that, we have to set a reading goal. If we want something, we must have goals or aims. This is one way to give encourage for our self to read. Other ways to improve reading is keep a log, every time we have finish in our reading, we must keep the list of the materials that we have read and also make some summary to remember what the important in the materials that we have read to be remember. Although, we should make a list of the materials that we want to read. Example, the list of the novels that we want to read, the list of the comics, and so on. Here we will remember the materials that we want to read. We also should join the reading group or book club so here we can share our experience and knowledge with our group and try to get new knowledge from them. Here will be the discussion on what we have read. Also, we need to visit libraries or bookstore often because in the place like this we can read whatever materials we want to read. In the place like this, there are so many materials that we can read. Build your own strategy is the most important because without strategy you would lost tour ways. We have to keep the strategy and what we want to do so if we get success, we will feel satisfy in our works. So, we should drop everything and read. Make the reading habits fun in our mind. After we set our mind that reading habits is fun, automatically we want to read. Drop everything here mean that, if we have time to spend we must read dont make the time we have we spend to something that not give benefits to our life. That why reading is one of the important in education. Before we can read fluently in our studies time in pre-school, teacher will teach us on the letter. After we can read letter we would ask by the teacher to combine the letter become words and the words combine with other words to become sentence that have meaning. Here the ways of reading start in our life. Here we can know that reading is important in our life. For more deeply understand about reading, in the article Teaching reading, by Elizabeth S. Pang, Angaluki Muaka, Elizabeth B. Bernbardt, and Micheal L. Kamil, have write that, What is reading? Reading is about understanding written texts. It is a complex activity that involves both perception and thought. Reading consists of two related processes: word recognition and comprehension. Word recognition refers to the process of perceiving how written symbols correspond to ones spoken language. Comprehension is the process making sense of words, sentences and connected text. 1.1 Problem Statement Reading habits was really important for each people especially students. They need read more than other people because with reading can give them experience and wide knowledge, also can improve their language and communication. Without reading, how they will know something to talk about. With reading they will have many ideas to share and more ideas to tell others. So, they must read. The problem here is why the students have to read and make the reading as their reading habits. It is they read because they want to fulfill their career as the student or for their own knowledge. Besides that, the other problem is what type of the materials student like to read as reading habits. Is it they like to read the knowledgeable materials or they want to read the materials that can make their mind relax like newspapers, novels, comics, and magazines. The students also have the limit time in a day because they also have a works that they have to finish. The problems that occur here is the frequ ency of the reading. Is it they have time to read and how frequent they read? Because the students like to fill their encouragement in their studies, there must be reason why they less reading or they have active in reading. So the problem here is what the factors that inhibit their reading habits. 1.2 Rational of the study The rational of this study was to encourage student to read and make the reading is one of their habits. Besides that, this study also wants student know the important of the reading and they must know the reason they read. 1.3 Research Questions This section will tell about the research question that related to this research. The research questions of the study are as follow: 1. What types of reading materials do the students read? 2. How frequent do the students read the materials? 3. How frequent do the students read academic and non-academic materials? 4. The medium they use to read? 5. The amount of the materials they read? 6. The times they spend for reading? 7. What factors influence them to read? 1.4 Significant of the study This study hoped that the student will know the important of the reading habits and they will continue their habits in reading. Besides that, firstly the student and also people should know the meaning of the reading habits. If they do not know the meaning of the reading habits, they will not know the important of the reading habits. The most important is for what they keep the reading habits in their self. The reason they read. This study also to ensure the reading habits always continues in students daily life. The reading habits is really important especially the materials the student choose is that show the new issues happen in this worlds, so the student will get new information and new knowledge every day. Hope also the academic library take the responsibilities and make the program that will attract the student to come and read materials in the library, the libraries also must try to show to the student how important is the reading habit for the student especially their future life. The libraries also must increase the materials is the libraries to promote the reading habits to students. 1.5 Objective of the study Objective is the reality that will happen in this study. It is the object that already thinks by the researchers that related to his or her study and the existing of this study sometimes according to the philosophy. The objective of this study is: To investigate the factors that influence reading habits. To investigate the type of the materials students read. To investigate the student frequency in reading the academic or non-academic materials. 1.6 Definition of term use This section will give the definition of the term or explain several terminologies related to this study. 1.6.1 Reading- According to Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat (2005), readings is give attention to the contents of a written or printed material carefully and understands the meaning of its contents. Through reading habits, individuals can make themselves as a reference either to him or to others. Interest in reading is closely related to cultural knowledge because reading is a feature of cultural development in the community-oriented education and reading.(Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat, 2005). 1.6.2 Habits- From the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, habits is something that you are do regularly or usually, often without thinking about it because you have done it so many times before. 1.6.3 Reading habits- According to the (wikianswers), reading habits mean process of reading itself. He is in the habit of reading the daily newspapers mean that he regularly reads the newspaper. If you are in habit of reading, it means that you are read regularly. 1.6.4 Students- For the MacMillan Dictionary, student can be refer to someone who goes to a university, college, or school. But, in the UK, a student is someone who is studying at university or college. A child at school is usually called a pupil. In US, student can refer to anyone who is studying at school or university. 1.6.5 Knowledge- According to Merriam Webster, knowledge is obsolete: cognition. The fact or condition of knowing something with familiarity gained through experience or association (2): acquaintance with or understanding of a science, art, or technique. It is also a body of facts learned by study or experience. From the Your, the definition of knowledge is the act, fact, or state of knowing like acquaintance or familiarity, awareness, and understanding. It is acquaintance with facts; range of information, awareness, or understanding and all that has been perceived or grasped by the mind; learning; enlightenment. 1.6.6 Communication- Definition of communication in You is communication is the process whereby speech, signs or actions transmit information from one person to another. This definition is concise and definitive but doesnt include all the aspects of communication. There are other definitions, which state that communication involves transmitting information from one party to another. This broader definition doesnt require that the receiving party obtain a full understanding of the message. Of course, communication is better when both parties understand but it can still exist even without that component. 1.6.7 Education- According to Wayne Leon Learmond (May 28, 2010), education can be defined as education covers a broad spectrum. Other may believe that education is simply life, and that we must learn every aspect of life as we grow. There some people who have never received a full-time education in any sort of school at all, but have learned the family ways, ie: gone into trade that maybe has been passed down from one generation to the next. According to Jessica Rangel (November 18, 2010), the definition of education is simple: Learning new and important material that is vital to every day issues and subjects. The most important thing about education that intrigues most people and students is how information they can get from a subject. Education is basically what drives the world today, because those that have the proper education also carry information that can help them get anything that they want in life. This is by far one of the mostà importantà things about education, and what education stands for.à 1.7 Scope of the study The scope of this study is about the reading habits among student of Faculty of Information Management. How important reading habits in order to fulfill the career as a student, need of the student and this will plays a big role to produce the quality works and leading to successful academic person. This research is being conduct among student in Faculty of Information Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA, campus Puncak Perdana. The scope of this study are limited to two main areas, which is the contents of the study that is base on the title and the location of the study which is I have chose in Faculty of Information Management Campus Puncak Perdana, UITM, Shah Alam. The respondents for this study comprises of the students in Faculty Information Management and in this faculty there are four courses, IM220 (Library Science Management), IM221 (Information Systems Management), IM222 (Records Management), and IM223 (Resource Centers Management). This faculty located at University Teknologi MARA, Campus Puncak Perdana, Seksyen U10, Shah Alam. 1.8 Limitation of the study Firstly, the respondents of this research are the students in Faculty of Information Management and in the Faculty if Information Mangement, there are 4 courses. IM220 (Library Science Management), IM221 (Information Systems Management), IM222 (Records Management), and IM223 (Resource Centers Management). This faculty located at University Teknologi MARA, Campus Puncak Perdana, Seksyen U10, Shah Alam. I choose this Faculty which are located in UITM Campus Puncak Perdana, Shah Alam because it is my Faculty and I think I want to improve the reading habits among student of Faculty Information Management. Secondly, the reasons why I choose all of this courses in the Faculty of Information Management because I want to know do they know about the reading habits is, what kind of the materials they refer to read and because this course is related to the reading habits. The student of this faculty will be professional in the information management, so the reading habits will increase their knowledge. The study meant only to describe the reading habits of the students in Faculty of Information Management. 1.9 CONCLUSION This study is all about the reading habits among student of Faculty of Information Management, UITM, Campus Puncak Perdana. There are many conclusions that can be draw from this chapter. But the most important fact is the reading habits very important to students. Nowadays, reading habits among student were lack. They read because they want to finish their assignment and reading is just to past their exam. In Chapter One, we discuss about the problem statement of the research, the objective of the research, research question and so on. It is very important why we do a research. Moreover, in this chapter it also describes scope of research, conceptual framework and the operational definition for every term used in the research and the significant and limitation of research.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Bandwidth :: essays research papers
Computers store all information as binary numbers. The binary number system uses two binary digits, 0 and 1, which are called bits. The amount of data that a computer network can transfer in a certain amount of time is called the bandwidth of the network and is measured in kilobits per second (kbps) or megabits per second (mbps). A kilobit is 1 thousand bits; a megabit is 1 million bits. A dial-up telephone modem can transfer data at rates up to 56 kbps; DSL and cable modem connections are much faster and can transfer at several mbps. The Internet connections used by businesses often operate at 155 mbps, and connections between routers in the heart of the Internet may operate at rates from 2,488 to 9,953 mbps (9.953 gigabits per second) The terms wideband or broadband are used to characterize networks with high capacity and to distinguish them from narrowband networks, which have low capacity. Research on dividing information into packets and switching them from computer to computer began in the 1960s. The U.S. Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) funded a research project that created a packet switching network known as the ARPANET. ARPA also funded research projects that produced two satellite networks. In the 1970s ARPA was faced with a dilemma: Each of its networks had advantages for some situations, but each network was incompatible with the others. ARPA focused research on ways that networks could be interconnected, and the Internet was envisioned and created to be an interconnection of networks that use TCP/IP protocols. In the early 1980s a group of academic computer scientists formed the Computer Science NETwork, which used TCP/IP protocols. Other government agencies extended the role of TCP/IP by applying it to their networks: The Department of Energy's Magnetic Fusion Energy Network (MFENet), the High Energy Physics NETwork (HEPNET), and the National Science Foundation NETwork (NSFNET). In the 1980s, as large commercial companies began to use TCP/IP to build private internets, ARPA investigated transmission of multimediaââ¬âaudio, video, and graphicsââ¬âacross the Internet. Other groups investigated hypertext and created tools such as Gopher that allowed users to browse menus, which are lists of possible options. In 1989 many of these technologies were combined to create the World Wide Web.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Analyzing Development and Change in the Media Industries
Every good analyst or researcher must grasp the importance of using various analytical tools as well as visual aids to comprehend various dilemmas faced by companies. In the case of BBC we must use various analytic tools to provide an overview of the situation being faced by BBC in 2001. Holistically, we must examine all changes and aspects of BBC in 1999 and 200. The below visual aid, Diagram A, is a representation of some financial highlights. This aid is a creation from data provided in the case study, and uses a pivot table in excel to illustration the percentage changes per financial highlight.The chart below this diagram reflects the actual numerical change and percentage change be they negative or positive. You can see that operating profits have dropped considerably from 1999 to 2000 a full 25%. For a company like BBC this is a huge loss. In addition, turnover has increased both worldwide as well as on a group level. Via this statistical analysis, it can be verified that the company is suffering from employee disgruntlement and decrease in ratings.In terms of using analysis to determine a solution, the company needs also to provide a break-even analysis and sensitivity analysis to determine at which point the company is making an adequate profit margin as well as a range of probabilities that a decision or alternative decision is acceptable. (Case Study, BBC). Initially we shall look at why producing it own programmes might be a source of conflict for BBC. BBC has over time and experience developed into one of the worldââ¬â¢s leading broadcasters and programme makers.Renowned for its emphasis on high quality, accuracy of reporting stories, and neutrality BBC must recognize that this must be upheld as it produces its own programmes. In all fairness, BBC has the responsibility of pursuing all stories without regard to who or what is paying it. Revenue that is generated should not be based upon the payerââ¬â¢s expectations but on the equality and jus tification for the story. BBC is faced with these aspects as it produces its own programmes because ââ¬Ëthe hand that feeds itââ¬â¢ might not be supportive of particular stories or reporting.In addition, as BBC is part of the print industry via its own magazine it must retain its revenue why printing stories that interest its clientele. This financial situation guides BBC as it modernizes and uses new technology to present stories in an interesting manner. In its effort to preserve its reputation for accuracy and impartiality, BBCââ¬â¢s management structure had also come under scrutiny. Managers who had been recruited or hired from outside the firm might not have had the companyââ¬â¢s philosophy or accepted the companyââ¬â¢s historic approach to accuracy.Producing programmes in-house might have the managerââ¬â¢s external influences associated with its handling of stories. Bureaucratic tendencies might stifle creativity and invoke change away from the BBC value syst em. This might in turn lead consumers to believe that impartiality, accuracy, and fairness has been compromised on BBCââ¬â¢s part. (Case Study, BBC). Secondly, we shall examine why competing for ratings with other television channels is obviously a huge area of conflict for BBC. In the modern world, there are many channels ranging from your basic channels to cable to direct tv.These massive amount of channels have a tendency to give much choice to consumers. BBC needs to focus on surveying and determining exactly what the consumer desires to see. Stories need to continue to be accurate but also contain new skills of reporting and a different manner of creative thinking in order to compete for ratings. The case study relates how the 1990 Broadcasting Act required both ITV and BBC companies to have at least 25% of its programmes from the independent sector. As this situation occurred, morale among employees and prices dropped due to redundant stories and broadcastings.Ratings were also adversely affected by the company seeing and recognizing that its news could no ââ¬Å"longer be tailored to fit its overseas listeners and would take on a London bias. This was overcome by retaining the dedicated newsroom already based in Bush House. â⬠In general, this is always a threat to their ratings should they fail to consider oversea listenersââ¬â¢ interests and expectations. (Case Study, BBC). Finally, being a global provider is an area of conflict for BBC because like stated above the company needs to retain ratings from its oversea and global listeners.In order to be successful at this it needs to tailor its stories without losing its listeners in London as well. Because globally there are different manners of communicating, the company also needs to focus on external suppliers to produce TV content which is interactive, online sites which are user-friendly and informative, and strategically position itself to have a well-organized and structured organizatio n. Global expectations also call for having search engines, a website which is efficient to navigate through, video and audio streaming, voting applications, and audience management (website, opta).Question 3: How should the decision making process be followed in order to make good decisions to respond to the situation faced by the BBC in 2001? In order to adequately address this concern I must first iterate upon the importance and significance of the decision making process. This process itself consists of a variety of step-by-step action plan which should be adhered to. As these steps are laid out I will indicate how BBC needs to or has responded during each of these steps.Furthermore, I will distinguish if these steps have ensured that BBC is making good decisions about responding to the dilemmas facing the company in 2001. Depending on how well the company is handling these steps deems its success or failure level. So, the first step of the decision making process is identifying the problem. By identifying the problem the analyzer can ââ¬Ëput a nameââ¬â¢ or ââ¬Ëfaceââ¬â¢ to the situation. This enables the company to achieve an initial understanding of where to focus their attentions and perhaps which actionable plans must be considered to resolve the situation.For BCC, their chief problems lie in deciding how much authority and responsibility it should invest in other companies creating its programmes, how much should BBC compete for its ratings as a public service broadcaster, and to what level should BBC act as a global provider. To identify the problem they need to find the source of the problem. In this case, the source of the problem lies in the license fee and the governmentââ¬â¢s control of its programmes. Having identified the problem, you can focus on focusing on the problem versus the ââ¬Ësymptomsââ¬â¢ of it.This focus allows BBC to specify objectives and set decision criteria or requirements which can aid in selecting a solu tion. By selecting decision criteria BBC can decide which methods it might undertake to rectify the situations that they are facing. For instance, BBCââ¬â¢s commercial services found itself forced to produce its own magazine containing its own programme listings. It saw that it could either remain out of the print industry, ignore that other newspapers were refusing to publish details on its programs, or decide to supplement their own earnings by creating the BBC Enterprising LTD (BBC Worldwide).This also gave them a foothold in seeing a strong increase in its revenue and sales. For 2001, the company saw that past performances of inefficiency and losing audiences in the face of rapid increase in cable channels was threatening its prosperity. In the decision making process it began to develop suitable alternatives. Depending on the nature or significance of the problem, selecting an alternative or even listing out alternatives requires must analysis. By listing out alternatives, B BC can see a variety of them as well as produce creative alternatives which can either be simple or complex.One alternative is for BBC is to ignore the problem. By ignoring it, BBC can save money and time on implementations or changes; but it can lose the rest of its consumer loyalty or its ratings. In addition, management would not recognize modernization, new markets, new technologies, and the need for improved consumer interests. Furthermore, cost effectiveness would continue to be a problem as increased competition from digital, cable, and satellite channels continued to prosper. Lastly, by ignoring the situation the current employee disgruntlement would remain and turnover would continue to occur (Stevenson 70-73).This turnover is a true loss of talent and experience. In general, this alternative is not logical nor practical. In fact, BBC should develop alternatives which limit the growth of management, reorganize the structure, seek to overcome restrictions to their licensing fee agreement, focus on surveying what the consumer wishes to listen too, and determine what times to air their shows. Programmes could continue to be contracted out to get new and various coverage points and view points.Another alterative would be to have more in-house services or from the private sector in order to be financially more competitive. By tailoring their programming to what the consumer wanted and scheduling those programmes in the periods that consumers would watch, there would be an increase in ratings and audience figures. This general analysis and comparison of alternatives allows the company to brainstorm which best practice or solution is most effective. Financial number crunching and comparative analysis to other competitive firms would also be wise.At this point, BBC should select its best alternative. In this case, ignoring the situation is not practical. Deciding to continue with government handling is not proactive or financially secure. So, it should select to adhere to focus on increasing ratings and audience figures. External consultants and internal representatives should hash out any such details about complying with the licensing fee agreements while focusing on modern complications and how to overcome them. By adopting a different method of funding to replace and subsidize its income, it can overcome these dilemmas.At this point in its decision making process, BBC would have to implement the decided upon alternative after having a report listing out the pros, cons, financial rewards, and financial pitfalls should it not do so. In addition, a SWOT analysis should be completed of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of proceeding with the alternative (Stevenson 70-73). The decision-making process for BBC does not end at implementing the final and chosen alternative. Instead, the company must monitor, critique, and evaluate the alternative as it is carried out to ensure that the results are being obtained.A little adjustments here and there can be made to guarantee the company is going in the right direction. Consumers can be surveyed, employee constructive feedback can be requested, financial reports should be comparing the quarters at all times, and management should be fully aware of all aspects. All in all, this is a very time consuming process which requires much awareness and preparedness for BBC. Question 4: Does Government policy constrain the ability of the BBC to respond to its situation in 2001? If so, explain how.It is obvious through the case study, that government policy is indeed constraining the ability of BBC to respond to its situation in 2001. This is occurring because there is a system of the licensing fee. BBC is dependent on the government of each period to determine if and how it is to continue its programming as well as how much funding is to be made available to it. As the political climate was favoring deregulation and a free market place, BBC found itself in a posit ion where its license fee revenue was decreasing (Case Study, BBC).The company was being encouraged to consider venturing into commercial avenues in order to supplement its income while continuing to pay an extraordinary amount to continue to hold onto its license. These fees were continuing to increase each year, as multi-channel competition between providers increased. Works Cited: Case Study: The BBC. BA in Business Studies Website: Opta Creating New Businesses: Case-Studies-Media. Retrieved March 29, 2007. http://www. opta. com/who_we_serve_casestudies_media_print. htm Stevenson, William J. Production and Operations Management. Fourth Edition. Von Hoffman Press. 1993
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Piazza San Marco and the Architecture of Romance in Summertime Essay
The city of Venice and its monuments function, on the surface, as the framework and backdrop for the storyline in David Leanââ¬â¢s 1955 film, Summertime. The action itself advances as a video travelogue, immediately impressing us with the fundamental role the sea plays for this water community when ââ¬Å"the busâ⬠turns out to be a water taxi and a fire engine a boat. The camera brings us along the Grand Canal, awing us with ââ¬Å"celluloid paintingsâ⬠of such magnificent examples of lofty Venetian design and decoration as Longhenaââ¬â¢s 17th-century Church of Santa Maria della Salute, Palladioââ¬â¢s 16th-century Church of San Giorgio Maggiore, and Antonio da Ponteââ¬â¢s late 16th-century Rialto Bridge in rapid succession. Abruptly, we are returned to the realities of ordinary Venetian life. Passing on foot down centuries-old streets to yet another waterway, we witness a Venetian tossing her household garbage unceremoniously into the canal to be carried away by the tides that perpetually cleanse the city, underscoring again the watery foundation that sustains life in Venice. Yet, Venice is more than a simple frame from which the storyline of the film is hung. Venice defines this love story, enabling the protagonists to escape the constraints of their disparate worlds to a magic place imbued with all the mystery and romance of her eclectic past. Venice is the sum total of ideas and design acquired from its primitive beginnings, through its period under Byzantine rule, its lucrative mercantile contact with the West and East, and its proximity to Rome, as evidenced in the many monumental churches, statues, columns, scuole, libraries, and palaces that were created by the most prominent architects and artists of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. As Spiro Kostof says in The City Shaped (1999), ââ¬Å"The city is the ultimate memorial of our struggles and glories: it is where the pride of the past is set on display. â⬠In the film, as in Venice itself, Piazza San Marco figures prominently. Often, the Piazza is more than a mere backdrop, at times it seems to become a character of its own right. One of the most prominent structures of the Piazza is the Campanile. Originally constructed in the 10th century, the tall brick Campanile with its bronze pyramidal spire seen in the Summertime is actually a 1912 reconstruction of the original as it looked when it collapsed in the early part of the 20th century (Kostof, 1995). Early on, as Jane wonders what she will do alone in Venice, the bells of the Campanile ring out, seeming to call to her, beckoning her to Piazza San Marco and her fateful encounter with Renato. In their last meeting, just as Jane utters the sentence ââ¬Å"I donââ¬â¢t want to forgetâ⬠¦a single momentâ⬠the Campanile begins to chime once more. Summertime is very much about the meeting of two very different cultures, and this theme is reflected in much of the architecture featured in the film. The most famous of all Piazza structures, St. Markââ¬â¢s Basilica is an outstand example the marriage between the Oriental or Byzantine and Gothic building styles. The elaborate mosaics highlighted in the still travelogue shots, the basilica plan, and the five domes that crown the Basilica are clear manifestations of the Byzantine. The arches of the facade, rounded on the underside with pointed rooflines are an excellent example of the interweaving of the Byzantine love for domes and the pointed Gothic arch. Whereas the sculptural detail, rose windows, and trefoil arches present in the Basilica are part of the buildingââ¬â¢s Gothic heritage. Such Gothic elements also figure prominently in Doges Palace and the Sansovino Library. Finally, St. Marksââ¬â¢ Basilica, Doges Palace and the Sansovino Library all give nods to the classical orders in terms or proportions, but whereas the Basilica boasts obviously Byzantine capitals, Dogesââ¬â¢ are a more convex Byzantine Corinthian hybrid, and the Library capitals are Ionic and Corinthian. The beautiful coexistence of two different traditions so expertly managed in Piazza San Marco allows for the viewer and the lovers themselves to imagine, at least momentarily, that despite the obvious problems (she being only a tourist and he being married), a fairytale-like union might be possible for them as well. Venice has been referred to by contemporaries as ââ¬Å"a theme park on water. â⬠In the film Summertime, the integration of the characteristics derived from Byzantine, Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque styles combine to produce a whimsical wonderland within which fantasies can be lived. To highlight this, the camera returns repeatedly to Mauro Coducciââ¬â¢s 15th century clock tower in Piazza San Marco focusing on its playful mechanical Moor figures, bright blue and gold of the Lion of St. Mark to add a truly whimsical and theme-park-like air to the Piazza. This sense of fun and freedom further adds to the romance of the couplesââ¬â¢ time together by establishing it as a separate and safe ââ¬Å"playâ⬠space, setting it apart from Janeââ¬â¢s Ohio reality. Both spatially and chronologically, Piazza San Marcos literally frames the romance between Jane (Katharine Hepburn) and Renato (Rossano Brazzi) as they meet in the Piazza and ultimately their last encounter begins there. Significantly, Jane makes Renato take her outside the Piazza to tell him she is leaving. The film goes to great lengths to establish Venice as a fairytale setting, and when Jane explains her reasons for departing so abruptly they echo this notion. Jane says she fears staying to long and ruining the perfect memory they have created. Essentially, though her fear is of the dream fading into reality. Thus, it is understandable that Renato begs her to stayââ¬âfor him there is no difference because Venice is his reality. And having exited Piazza San Marcos for the final time, the spell is broken, at least enough that, like Wendy, she leaves her Peter Pan in his permanent dream and decides to depart the fairytale land and return to reality, maintaining Venice as a flawless Neverland that lives in her memory. However, unlike Wendy, she had a camera and can look back at her film of the buildings and remember her brief stint in the fairytale land of coexistence. References Kostof, S. (1995). A History of Architecture: Settings and Rituals. New York: Oxford. Kostof, S. (1995). The City Shaped. London: Thames & Hudson. Lopert, I. (Producer), & Lane, D. (Director). (1955). Summertime [Motion picture]. USA: Lopert Films.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Narrative Perspectives in Robert Brownings My Last Duchess and Edgar Allan Poes The Cask of Amontillado
Narrative Perspectives in Robert Brownings My Last Duchess and Edgar Allan Poes The Cask of Amontillado One of the reasons why the story The Cask of Amontillado (Edgar Allan Poe) and the poem My Last Duchess (Robert Browning) are being commonly referred to, as such that represent a particularly high value, is that the narrative perspective chosen by the authors to highlight the discursive significance of the contained themes and motifs, does add to the perceptual plausibility of the concerned storylines.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Narrative Perspectives in Robert Browningââ¬â¢s My Last Duchess and Edgar Allan Poeââ¬â¢s The Cask of Amontillado specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In its turn, this can be explained by the fact that, while reflecting upon the motif of murder, Poe and Browning succeeded in convincing readers that it was specifically the very psychological constitution of both protagonists (Alfonso Ferrara and Montresor), which naturally predetermined their behavioral maliciousness. In my paper, I wi ll explore the validity of this suggestion at length. After having been introduced to the characters of Montresor (The Cask of Amontillado) and Alfonso Ferrara (My Last Duchess), we inevitably conclude that they seem to interact with the surrounding reality similarly. One of the reasons for this is that these charactersââ¬â¢ foremost psychological trait appears to be their traditional-mindedness. This is exactly the reason why Montresor decides to take a revenge on the character of Fortunato, whose very appearance presupposes his psychological incompatibility with the notion of tradition: ââ¬Å"He had on a tightfitting parti-striped dress, and his head was surmounted by the conical cap and bellsâ⬠(Poe 3). Apparently, Fortunato was dressed as a jester. Yet, as historians are being well aware of, jesters have always been known for their reputation of ââ¬Ëviolators of traditionââ¬â¢. Therefore, the Mortresorââ¬â¢s deep-seated hatred of his ââ¬Ëfriendââ¬â¢ Fortu nato can be well discussed in terms of ââ¬Ëintellectual advancementââ¬â¢ vs. ââ¬Ëtradition. It is specifically the fact that the storyââ¬â¢s protagonist unconsciously perceived Fortunato, as being much more intellectually superior then himself, that prompted Montresor to become obsessed with the thought of revenge. Essentially the same thesis applies to the character of Alfonso in My Last Duchess. Being the traditionally-minded ââ¬Ëman of statureââ¬â¢, Alfonso believed that in their relationships with husbands, wives must remain thoroughly submissive.Advertising Looking for essay on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This is exactly the reason why, while proceeding with his monologue, Alfonso expresses its ill-concealed annoyance with his wifeââ¬â¢s flirtatiousness: She had a heart how shall I say? too soon made glad, Too easily impressed; she liked whateer She looked on, and her looks went everywhere (Browning 22-34). Apparently, Alfonso could not stand a thought that, being made of flesh and blood; it was perfectly natural for his wife to feel flirtatious at times. Thus, it can be well assumed that it is specifically the hypertrophied sense of a ââ¬Ëtraditional proprietyââ¬â¢, which defined the essence of Montresor and Alfonsoââ¬â¢s existential modes. In its turn, this created an objective precondition for them to be individuals who strived to adjust the de facto reality around them to be consistent with the ideological provisions of their ââ¬Ëovervalued ideaââ¬â¢. Consequently, this was causing Montresor and Alfonso to adopt an active stance, while denying the legitimacy of the idea that oneââ¬â¢s life represents the greatest value of all. Therefore, there is nothing utterly surprising about the fact that, while elaborating upon their unholy deeds, both characters would do it in a strongly cynical manner.Advertising We will w rite a custom essay sample on Narrative Perspectives in Robert Browningââ¬â¢s My Last Duchess and Edgar Allan Poeââ¬â¢s The Cask of Amontillado specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This is exactly the reason why the Montresor and Alfonsoââ¬â¢s use of irony/sarcasm emanates the spirit of Freudian ââ¬Ëuncannyââ¬â¢ ââ¬â while sounding ironic, both characters reveal that, even though appearing as humans on the outside, they are in fact bloodthirsty monsters on the inside. For example, there is a memorable scene in The Cask of Amontillado, where Montresor tries to talk Fortunato out of his decision to climb down the cellar, in search of Amontillado: ââ¬Å"We will go back; your health is precious. You are rich, respected, admired, beloved; you are happy, as once I was. You are a man to be missedâ⬠(6). What is especially chilling about the above-mentioned sarcastic statement, on the part of Montresor, is that; while appearing to be merely concerned with the protagonistââ¬â¢s wish not to allow his ââ¬Ëfriendââ¬â¢ to become ill, it actually reflects the sheer measure of the main characterââ¬â¢s commitment to take a revenge on Fortunato. Apparently, it was not only that Montresor wanted to ââ¬Ësavorââ¬â¢ the approaching demise of Fortunato, but he also strived to make sure that his ââ¬Ëfriendââ¬â¢ does not reconsider its decision to venture down the cellar (the application of the so-called ââ¬Ëreverse psychologyââ¬â¢ method). Browningââ¬â¢s deployment of the rhetorical device of sarcasm/irony in the poem also serves the purpose of enlightening readers about the fact that, despite being a socially prominent individual, it was in Alfonsoââ¬â¢s very nature to treat people in terms of a soulless commodity. For example, even though Alfonso does not explicitly state that he murdered his wife, the following excerpt leaves no doubts that this was the actual case: Oh, sir, she smi led, no doubt, Wheneer I passed her; but who passed withoutAdvertising Looking for essay on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Much the same smile? This grew; I gave commands; Then all smiles stopped together. There she stands As if alive (43-47). Alfonso could have well admitted to killing his wife in plainer terms. This, however, would have deprived his character of a perceptual genuineness, as a hypocritical moralist, capable of simultaneously expounding on the subject of decency, on the one hand, and acting as a thoroughly immoral psychopath, on the other. Nevertheless, it would be inappropriate to suggest that the specifics of both literary worksââ¬â¢ narrative perspectives are solely concerned with the Browning and Poeââ¬â¢s intention to expose the mental inadequateness of Alfonso and Montresor, but also with their desire to provide readers with a preliminary clue, as to what should be considered this inadequatenessââ¬â¢s actual root. The validity of this suggestion can be shown in regards to another memorable scene in The Cask of Amontillado. In this scene, after having chained Fortunato to the wall, and after having listened to his screams for a while, Motresor begins to scream in return: ââ¬Å"A succession of loud and shrill screams, bursting suddenly from the throat of the chained form, seemed to thrust me violently backâ⬠¦ I reproached the wall. I replied to the yells of him who clamored. I reechoed I aided I surpassed them in volume and in strengthâ⬠(9). Apparently, Poe was well aware of the fact that religious individuals, strongly affiliated with ââ¬Ëtraditional valuesââ¬â¢, are psychologically inclined towards deriving an emotional pleasure out of savoring the intensity of a particular emotion ââ¬â regardless of whether this emotion happened to be positive or negative. This is the reason why in Latin American countries, thousands of people request to be crucified, during the course of Catholic religious celebrations ââ¬â by doing it, they derive a pleasure out of savoring their own sensation of pain. While exposed to the spectacle, th e crowds of spectators savor the physical pain of these religious fanatics with essentially the same degree of intensity (Butler 274). In a similar manner, by screaming even louder than Fortunato, Monresor sadistically enjoyed the pain of his ââ¬Ëfriendââ¬â¢. After all, it does not represent much of a secret to psychologists that sadism and masochism usually go hand in hand, with the notion of masochism being nothing but euphemistically sounding synonym to the notion of a monotheistic religiosity. This explains why, before placing the last stone in the immurement-wall, Montreser exclaimed: ââ¬Å"For the love of God!â⬠(10) ââ¬â after having experienced a sadistic/semi-religious ecstasy, while exposed to Fortunatoââ¬â¢s pain, Montresor was able to convince himself that what he had done was indeed godly. The particulars of the deployed narrative perspective in My Last Duchess, also appear to serve the function of providing readers with an in-depth insight into the a ctual causes of Alfonsoââ¬â¢s behavioral abnormality. The legitimacy of this suggestion can be explored in relation to the manner, in which Browningââ¬â¢s poem ends: At starting, is my object. Nay, well go Together down, Sir! Notice Neptune, though, Taming a sea-horse, thought a rarity, Which Claus of Innsbruck cast in bronze for me (53-57). What this statement implies, is that throughout the course of his life, Alfonso never ceased experiencing the acute lack of an emotional empathy towards the people, with which he used to socialize. The reason for this is apparent ââ¬â in Alfonsoââ¬â¢s mind, there is no qualitative difference between the painting of his former wife, on the one hand, and the statue of Neptune, on the other. This is because he is able to swiftly switch the focus of his cognitive attention from one to another with ease. As of today, however, oneââ¬â¢s inability to experience the sensation of empathy to his or her close relatives is often being looked upon, as the proof of the concerned individualââ¬â¢s mental illness. For example, it is by observing the lack of such empathy in young children that psychologists are able to come up with a preliminary diagnosis of autism (Tager-Flusberg 312). Thus, it will not be much of an exaggeration to suggest, even though the Browningââ¬â¢s poem and Poeââ¬â¢s novel were written before the very concept of psychology came into being, the themes and motifs, contained in these literary masterpieces, do correlate with what happened to be the recent breakthroughs in the field this particular science. As such, these literary works can be deemed truly enlightening ââ¬â after having been exposed to them, readers do become more knowledgeable of the fact that there is indeed a good rationale in thinking about oneââ¬â¢s strong adherence to the provisions of a conventional morality, as such that extrapolates the concerned individualââ¬â¢s mental abnormality. As it was implied in the Int roduction, the literary appeal of Poeââ¬â¢s novel and Browningââ¬â¢s poem cannot be thought of in terms of a ââ¬Ëthing in itselfââ¬â¢. It is namely due to both literary masterpiecesââ¬â¢ discursive progressiveness, reflected by the authorsââ¬â¢ awareness of what account for the innermost predicaments of peopleââ¬â¢s behavior, that The Cask of Amontillado and My Last Duchess continue to be valued by readers. Apparently, after having read them, people are able to increase the extent of their existential fitness, as their exposure to the earlier discussed literary works naturally increases the measure of their awareness of what are the behaviorally observable manifestations of oneââ¬â¢s mental inadequateness. I believe that this conclusion fully correlates with the paperââ¬â¢s initial thesis. Butler, Matthew. ââ¬Å"Mexican Nicodemus: The Apostleship of Refugio Padilla, Cristero, on the Islas Marà as.â⬠Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos 25.2 (2009): 271-306. Print. Tager-Flusberg, Helen. ââ¬Å"Evaluating the Theory-of-Mind Hypothesis of Autism.â⬠à Current Directions in Psychological Science 16.6 (2007): 311-315. Print. Browning, Robert 1842, My Last Duchess. Web. Poe, Allan Edgar 1846, The Cask of Amontillado. Web.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Integrating Technology Into Lessons Essays
Integrating Technology Into Lessons Essays Integrating Technology Into Lessons Essay Integrating Technology Into Lessons Essay is very informative and includes many resources that both prospective and practicing special educators will find useful, whether in clinical experiences or in their own classroom (Keramidas, 2006).Chapter Three: Outcomes and AnalysisGoalsThe goal is to increase the number of teachers who integrate technology in their lessons. The goal of the proposal is to champion for the integration of technology into the curriculum of Flowers Academy. It is also aimed at addressing the necessity of technology related subjects to students and teachers as well.Expected OutcomesThree specific outcomes were achieved when teachers started integrating technology in their lessons. Administrators received less negative feedback on instruction methodology, student attendance, participation, and other issues about mentors and students. Students are more positive about their lessons.à They are inclined to try new ways to apply what they have learn ed to real life applications, even outside the classroom. Teachers are more creative and inventive with the way they teach and instruct. Students in Flowers Academy had the chance to enhance their careers by starting a little bit earlier than expected (Merenbloom, 2007).Students in Flowers Academy had the chance to enhance their careers by starting a little bit earlier than expected (Merenbloom, 2007). Teachersà benefited because they had ample time in their teaching exercises. Students had the opportunity of improving their grades in other subjects. The technology related subjects opened up the minds of the students because the subjects are a little more demanding in terms of dedication and time allocation (Merenbloom, 2007).Measurement of OutcomesThere are a number of strategies that have been employed to measure accurately the outcomes of effectively integrating technologies into the curriculum. Teacher interviews have been conducted to determine attitudes and perceptions of i ntegrating technology into the curriculum. A student survey have been conducted to determine biggest areas of concern when integration technology into the curriculum. Test scores and student attendance have been compared from previous years. Some students were exposed to the technology subjects in other schools that offer the subjects. Their performance were measured and compared against the results of their colleagues back in their school (Hufman, 2005). The other strategyà analyzed the performance of the students in other schools against those in Flowers Academy. Lastly, questionnaires and interviews were conducted in order to get the feeling of the students and the teachers about the technology related subjects.Analysis of ResultsThe survey for students determined whether the students would like to integrate technology into the curriculum. It will also provided information as to whether the children have access to technology at home. The studentsââ¬â¢ record determined whet her studentsââ¬â¢ gradesà increased because of integrating technology into the curriculum. It determined whether the number of absences had decreased. Compiling this information will help the researcher to determine if the integration of technology actually has the many benefits stated. The parent surveys will address whether parents feel we should implement this technology plan. In addition, observations will take place frequently to determine if technology is being used effectively.Furthermore, observations were made periodically to make sure teachers are taking advantage of the new curriculum. The researcher gatheredcholarly articles on the integration of technology in classroom and the benefits. This studyà addressed he students and teachers concerns with technology and make certain proper training is received. In addition, this studyà investigated the schools resources to equipment. Grants and donations for lack of lack of technology were addressed. The teachers and administrators worked together to help to ensure technology is being handled appropriately. Teachers benefited from the same, as they will have ample time in their teaching exercises. Studentsââ¬â¢ performances were compared against theoretically generated results to see if the results are acceptable or not.A control classroom was set up and the performance will be used as a control of the other students performance that does not take the technology related subjects (Borer et al 2000). Results of the students from the other schools were compared at the end of the term in order to see if the performance of the two sets of students is the same (Godwin, 2003). The percentage of students going through the curriculum that has incorporated technology and has improved greatly was compared against the students of Flowerââ¬â¢s Academy.à All these result were analyzed using the correlation method of analysis to determine whether the results are significant (Bringsrud, 2004).Chapter Four: Solution StrategyProblem StatementThe problem is that technology is not being integrated in lessons. The problem in this study is that technology is not integrated in the Flowers Academy curriculum.à The technology related subjects need to be incorporated into the curriculum in order to improve the students performance and make them realize their career dreams as early as possible (Miles Huberman, 2004).DiscussionIt is quite evident that this form of communication and interaction made things easier as it cuts down on resources that were otherwise used in the process (Ralabate, 2005). The literature also indicated that teaching technology related subjects have negligible harm and effect in as far as the school is concerned.à It cost more but the results are proportional to the input (Nichani, 2003).à It is inevitable that technology cannot be ignored in whatever circumstances, as research has shown over the years.à Students are able to be self-employed ones they fi nish their school education (Peterson, 2003).à It is through research that it has come out clearly that some students make careers out of the technology that they learn while at school (Ralabate, 2005). This has made more and more students in other schools to like the subject out of curiosity and eagerness (Nichani, 2003). Over the years, curriculum developers have tried to advice teachers on the importance of such a subject but it has been taken lightly repeatedly (Miles Huberman, 2005).While most students are already familiar with the use of computers and the internet, no student should be assumed knowledgeable or an expert in the field. Oftentimes, teachers have access to different technology, but do not implement the use into the current curriculum due to lack of knowledge.Teachers were taught about access restrictions, security, and ethics in using the instructional equipment. As much as teachers need the guidance, students also need the same. There is no better person for this role but the teachers who act as the facilitator in classes. Teachers agreed to implement the use of technology into the curriculum. Teachers followed up withministrators every grading period to ensure that test grades, and attendance are up to part. Most students are denied their dream careers because of them having no access to the necessary subjects in their schools curricula (Godwin, 2003). The benefits that come with technology are so many that they cannot be ignored by whatever means (Bringsrud, 2004).CalendarMonth 1 Teachers and students will receive adequate training. Month 2 Teachers will go over ground rules of technology use. Month 3 Teacher will group students in groups of 4 to work on project together. Month 4 Teacher will assign individual projects for student to complete to ensure their understanding of technology. Month 5 Teacher will assign assignments weekly based on curriculum. Month 6 Teacher will assess students.Chapter V: Results and RecommendationsLearnin g of technology in schools requires both theoretical as well practical experience. à Inclusion of technology as subject alone in class curriculum is not sufficient whereas there should be practical computer labs and small or big projects that teach students as to how to work on projects of technology. As a matter of fact, it is in the school that basics are taught and children who receive maximum exposure to education are better equipped individuals when reach to a stage of employment and for teachers this is a massive and a responsible effort to train students to give a better shape as technology students. à Teachers first and foremost must be fully proficient in curriculum lessons of technology and must prepare in advance before teaching students, due to the fact that students must be free to ask questions about technology, doubts in execution of projects or any kind of practical or theoretical reference that is required during the course of project.Table 1. Schedule of Teache rs to train students on technology projectsSnoMonthTask1JanuaryAdequate training for teachers and students2FebruaryTeachers to understand the rules and usability of technology3MarchTeachers to arrange students in groups of 4 as technology teams4AprilWeekly based curriculum assignments for students5MayAssessment of students and Results.A interview is conducted among children about the inclusion of technology in curriculum is as follows:Q. What is your view about technology? Is it required for children to learn?A. Technology helps people to get better and better. It is very important for children to learn about technology.Q. Inclusion of technology as subject in curriculum makes scoring very difficult. Is this correct?A. No. Technology is much easier to learn as compared to other subjects. More scoring can be made for achieving progress.Q. Inclusion ofà technology is in the interest of students. Is this correct?A. Correct. Students also like to learn and participate in technology s essions.Q. How often do you think technology classes should be in a week?A. Two to Three sessions per week.End of interview.The following is a questionnaire answered by students about technology.Learning of technology is good for students. Yes.Students are not burdended more with inclusion of technology as subject. Yes.Students always possess capacity to learn more at school. Yes.Working in teams would provide exchange of knowledge and also provides ability for team work. Yes.Even though teachers do not complete the lesson plan, technology can be learnt on self-preparation. Yes.Can children cope with other subjects in learning along with technology.? Yes.Does teachers require extra skills and proficiency in teaching technology? Yes.If technology is not included, does it result in any sort of loss for students in terms of knowledge? Yes.Technology learning improves better employment sources. Yes.Technology in curriculum is being included in many schools all over the world. Yes.Techno logy learning is also fun and joy. Yes.Technology will help in how to play computer games for students. Yes.Can students use technology for bad purposes. No.Internet browsing must be under parental guidance. Yes.Must never communicate with a stranger on Internet for the restoration of health for students. Yes.Table 2. Lesson plan for teacherSnoWeek dayLessonResult1.MondayIntroduction to technologyFeedback from children: good2Tuesday-3WednesdaySignificance of technology in daily life.Response from children: good4.Thursday-5FridayGroup discussionMore enthusiastic and positive.6Saturday-Table 3. Project Assignment for every 4 studentsSnoWeek dayProjectResult1.MondayPresent a power point chartFeedback from children: good2Tuesday-3WednesdayPaint a picture in paint brushResponse from children: good4.Thursday-5FridayWhat is enthusiastic and positive.6Saturday-DiscussionSurveys, questionnaires indicate that students are very enthusiastic about learning technology due to the fact that students always watch parents and elders at home when browsing andAre very much interested in learning what is Internet and what is a power point and how a slide show can be presented. Before knowing and understanding about technology, students are not aware about its benefits and uses and once when these are introduced in curriculum, this improves the knowledge of students.Now that it is clear that students would always indicate much interest in learning of technology, it is the responsibility of teachers to take up assignments and prepare lesson plans thoroughly for the purpose of teaching to children. Proper lesson planning, clear methods in teaching, taking regular feedback and response from students are some of the best techniques to teach technology without boring the students. Students can also be assigned small projects in the beginning and later depending on the mastery and level of skill attained, bigger projects can be assigned for better knowledge promotion in technology for students.à Schools are the best places for learning education and children spend most of the childhood in schools which is why schools have to practice professional education motives and schools have to be moral centres for learning.RecommendationsTeachers have to deliver quality work in teaching technology lessons for students. Teachers can introduce innovative education methods such as a program to do home work regularly, a flow chart to reduce eating more number of candies or a presentation for a plan to arrange a birthday party. à The activities or projects assigned to children must be communicative, must bring out the in-depth skills among students and these must promote more I.Q among children.Students must be made to sit and work on computers either in typing, power point slide or paint brush initially to understand what are the useful benefits derived from a computer and how internet should be used by students.Further students should be able to score more in computer lab exams and also must be capable of presenting and designing mini projects.à Teachers must provide lot of encouragement for students, in helping to learn teachnology at a fast pace. There should be at least one session to clarify doubts or problems that students may face while working on projects and these must be clarified by teachers.Both teachers and students must collectively carry partnership in learning technology as well in educating in technology.à An equal partnership and contribution shall definitely make the learning of technology much easier and practical.A wider scope and wider opportunities must be revealed to students in order to adopt technology as careers in professions as there is going to be a huge requirement of technology professionals in future years.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Researching the Civil War Soldiers in Your Family Tree
Researching the Civil War Soldiers in Your Family Tree The American Civil War, fought from 1861-1865, affected nearly every man, woman, and child living in the United States. Almost 3.5 million soldiers are believed to have been involved, with around 360,000 Union soldiers and 260,000 Confederate soldiers losing their lives as a direct result of the war. Given the dramatic impact of this conflict, if your ancestors lived in the United States during this time, it is likely that youll find at least one Civil War soldier in your family tree. Locating a Civil War ancestor, whether it is a direct ancestor or a collateral relative, can provide another source of information on your family tree. Civil War pension files, for example, contain statements of family relationships, dates and places of marriage, and lists of various places the soldier lived after the war. Muster-in rolls often contain places of birth, as do descriptive rolls. Before You Begin the soldiers namewhether he served for the Union or Confederate armythe state from which the soldier served In Which Unit Did Your Soldier Serve? Once youve determined the state from which your Civil War ancestor likely served, the next helpful step is to learn which company and regiment to which he was assigned. If your ancestor was a Union soldier, he may have been part of the U.S. Regulars, a unit of the United States Army. More likely he was a member of a volunteer regiment raised by his home state, such as the 11th Virginia Volunteers or the 4th Maine Volunteer Infantry. If your Civil War ancestor was an artilleryman, you may find him in a battery unit such as Battery B, 1st Pennsylvania Light Artillery or Battery A, 1st North Carolina Artillery, also called Manlys Battery. African-American soldiers served in regiments ending with U.S.C.T. which stands for United States Colored Troops. These regiments also had Caucasian officers. While infantry regiments were the most common type of service unit of the Civil War, there were many other branches of service on both sides - Union and Confederate. Your Civil War ancestor may have been in a heavy artillery regiment, cavalry, engineers or even the navy. There are many ways to learn the regiment in which your ancestor served. Begin at home, by asking your parents, grandparents and other relatives. Check photo albums and other old family records as well. If you know where the solider is buried, his tombstone may list his state and unit number. If you know the county where the soldier lived when he enlisted, then county histories or other county resources should provide details of the units formed in the area. Neighbors and family members often enlisted together, which may provide further clues. Even if you only know the state in which your Civil War ancestor served, most states compiled and published a list of the soldiers in each unit from that state. These can often be found at a libraries with a local history or genealogical collection. Some lists have also been partially published online. There are also two country-wide published series that list the soldiers who served in the Union or Confederate armies during the war, along with their regiments: The Roster of Union Soldiers, 1861-1865 (Wilmington, NC: Broadfoot Publishing) - A 33-volume set that lists all of the men who served in the Union armies by state, regiment and company.The Roster of Confederate Soldiers, 1861-1865 - A 16-volume set that lists all of the individuals who served in the southern armies during the war, by state and organization. Civil War Soldiers Sailors System (CWSS) sponsored by the National Park Service. The system features an on-line database of names of soldiers, sailors, and United States Colored Troops who served in the Civil War based on records at the National Archives. The subscription-based U.S. Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles collection at and the American Civil War Research Database are other excellent resources for online Civil War research. They will cost you, but both generally offer further details than the CWSS database. If your ancestor has a common name, however, it may be difficult to distinguish him in these lists until you have identified his location and regiment. are other excellent resources for online Civil War research. They will cost you, but both generally offer further details than the CWSS database. If your ancestor has a common name, however, it may be difficult to distinguish him in these lists until you have identified his location and regiment. Once youve determined your Civil War soldiers name, state and regiment, its time to turn to service records and pension records, the meat of Civil War research. Compiled Military Service Records (CMSR) Whether fighting for the Union or the Confederacy, each volunteer soldier who served in the Civil War will have a Compiled Military Service Record for each regiment in which he served. The majority of Civil War soldiers served in volunteer regiments, distinguishing them from individuals serving in the regular U.S. Army. The CMSR contains basic information about the soldiers military career, when and where he enlisted, when he was present or absent from camp, amount of bounty paid, how long he served, and when and where he was discharged, or died. Additional detail, when pertinent, may also be included, including information on hospitalization for injury or illness, capture as a prisoner of war, courts martial, etc. The CMSR is an envelope (called a jacket) containing one or more cards. Each card contains information compiled several years after the Civil War from original muster rolls and other records that survived the war. This includes Confederate records captured by the Union armies. How to Obtain Copies of Compiled Military Service Records Online from ââ¬â, in collaboration with the National Archives, has digitized CMSRs from most states, both Confederate and Union, and put them online where they can be viewed and downloaded for a fee. CMSRs are currently available for most, but not all states at Online from the National Archives ââ¬â You can order Civil War Service records from the National Archives online or by mail for a fee. To use this service, you will need the soldiers name, regiment, state and allegiance. If you prefer to order a copy by mail, you will need to download and use NATF Form 86. Civil War Pension Records Most Union Civil War soldiers, or their widows or other dependents, applied for a pension from the U.S. federal government. The biggest exception were unmarried soldiers who died during or soon after the war. Confederate pensions, on the other hand, were generally only available for disabled or indigent soldiers, and sometimes their dependents. Union Civil War Pension Records are available from the National Archives. Indexes to these Union pension records are available online by subscription at and (subscription links). Copies of the full Union Pension File (often containing dozens of pages) and be ordered online or by mail from the National Archives. Confederate Civil War Pension Records can generally be found in the appropriate State Archives or equivalent agency. Some states have also put indexes to or even digitized copies of their Confederate pension records online.Confederate Pension Records ââ¬â A State by State Guide
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Mass spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Mass spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy - Essay Example (Ahuja and Alsante, 2003; p.16) Organic chemists define this science as the study of the "quantised interaction of electromagnetic radiations with matter" (Yadav, 2005; p.1). According to Yadav (2005), these electromagnetic emissions are created by the fluctuations of electric charges and the magnetic field existing in the atom. He further said that the various forms of electromagnetic radiation include ultraviolet, infrared, x-rays, microwaves, radio waves, and so on (Yadav, 2005; p.1). There are four methods or measurement techniques used in spectroscopy. These are: mass spectroscopy, or MS; ultraviolet spectroscopy, or UV; infrared spectroscopy, or IR; and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, or NMR. The common types of spectroscopy include: astronomical spectroscopy, atomic absorption spectroscopy, attenuated total reflectance spectroscopy, electron spectroscopy, Fourier-transform spectroscopy, gamma-ray spectroscopy, and laser spectroscopy. (Flowers and Silver, 2004; p.953) A new technique, Raman spectroscopy, is now considered the fifth spectroscopic measurement technique (Smith and Dent, 2005; p.1) The three main types of spectroscopy/spectrometry include: absorption spectroscopy, emission spectroscopy, and scattering ... termines the sample's physical properties through the amount of light that the substance scatters at specific wavelengths, incident and polarization angles. The difference between scattering spectroscopy and emission spectroscopy lies in the fact that the scattering process is faster than the absorption or emission process (Flowers and Silver, 2004; p.953; Ahuja and Alsante, 2003; p.16). Mass spectroscopy as a technique offers outstanding structural information of different substances. It can also be a useful tool in separating molecules with little differences in their molecular weight. However, if mass spectroscopy is used as a quantitative measurement technique, its uses can be limited (Ahuja and Alsante, 2003; p.16). In ultraviolet spectroscopy, a sample substance is continuously irradiated with ultraviolet radiation of differing wavelengths. The power or energy which is related with the section of the electromagnetic spectrum matches the difference in power levels among various molecular orbitals. Ultraviolet radiation is created when a sample substance is exposed to a wavelength that equals the variation in energy between an occupied molecular orbital and an unoccupied molecular orbital. (Flowers and Silver, 2004; p.953) Ultraviolet spectroscopy, at a single wavelength, provides little selectivity of analysis (Ahuja and Alsante, 2003; p.16). Infrared spectroscopy, according to Stuart (2004), is definitely one of the most significant analytical measurement techniques that are available to scientists nowadays. (Stuart, 2004; p.1) This method offers precise information for some functional substance groups that present selectivity and allow quantification. (Ahuja and Alsante, 2003; p.16) This technique is based on the atoms' vibrations within a molecule; where an
Friday, October 18, 2019
African americans and the military during WW2 Essay
African americans and the military during WW2 - Essay Example They nurtured great expectations due to their excellent work and war records they possessed. This hope had been carried further as President Wilson declared that the war was being fought ââ¬Å"to make the world safe for democracyâ⬠.(President Wilson, World War I) African American soldiers as well as the civilians always recollected or remembered their painful experiences of World War I. They had endured discrimination and segregation in almost all areas and they were not willing to accept these factors once again. So they started raising their voices in protest for which they had to undergo severe punishment in lieu of their attitude. Their hopes and aspirations were dashed to the ground when after the war; discriminatory feelings began to grow against them in leaps and bounds. The Ku Klux Klan was once again revived and gained the support of other anti- African American groups. The Blacks suffered horrendous discrimination and riots and attacks left thousands homeless. Many of the Black writers interviewed some of the black American slaves and received a first hand report of the atrocities meted out to them. Due to segregation of the Black Americans discontentment and the need to take revenge brewed among them. Many organizational groups such as the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, the NAACP and the National Urban League tried very hard to put an end to segregation of the Black Americans and the discrimination shown to them, but all the efforts undertaken were slow and laborious. The NAACP also worked towards obtaining voting rights and tried hard to dismantle discrimination and segregation by moving the court. They also strived hard to gain laws that were beneficial to the suffering African Americans. The ââ¬Å"Jim Crowâ⬠laws that were mandated discriminated Blacks to have separate facilities for worship, housing, travel, schooling, lodging, eating and drinking and all other aspects of
Strategic Rationale, Masters Objectivity and Self Analysis Essay
Strategic Rationale, Masters Objectivity and Self Analysis - Essay Example The influence came from the observation that without furthering my education, there wouldnââ¬â¢t be the ability to advance in any career field or set the pace for the desires which I had and the goals which were set into place for my future. The rationale and objectivity for studying the Masters Degree and positioning this into longer term strategies began with overall goals which I had toward a career field and the skills required for movement further forward in my desired area of knowledge. The main approach was to gain business knowledge that was associated with the degree and the associations which related to this. My long term goals were based on business development and moving forward within a career and workspace. There was an understanding that this couldnââ¬â¢t be done without the proper business knowledge. After beginning to study, the personal and career ambitions began to change with personal needs that required altering for my desired field. The personal and career ambitions that were developed were based on gaining business knowledge for a future career. The new expectations which I have are now based on advancing into managerial and high ââ¬â end executive positions based on my own skills and desires. I believe that the success factors and career ambitions which I now hold are based on beginning to move into the practical applications of the knowledge which I have gained and to continue to practice each of the skills to advance within the career field. The more in which I can gain insight and practical applications to the knowledge from the Masters Degree, the easier it will be to move into the higher positions that are a part of the business field of my choice. Strategic Analysis of your Masters Abilitiesà The ability to perform with a future international business is one which is dependent on both personal and interpersonal skills. There are a variety of expectations that are a part of functioning with a multinational business, inc luding time management, organization, research, critical thinking, writing and communicating with others. Each of these skills alters the ability to work within different fields and allow an individual to propel forward with their career (Davies, 2011: 51). I found that, while I had the ability to have a strong personality and desire for a future with an international business, most of the basic skills were not allowing me to move forward with specific needs. The need to move into stronger communication and management skills is the main focus which I have found that I need to focus on. The academic and intellectual business knowledge that is combined with the personal Mastership objectives is based on furthering the skills which I did not have when beginning the Masters program. This concept moves into in ââ¬â depth practices that I have learned, specifically with communication. The basis begins with writing skills that are associated with the academic knowledge needed. This com bines with skills that pertain to listening, responding appropriately and communicating in the proper manner. The interviewing and questioning that is associated with this combines with the ability to work in teams and to have better academic and intellectual understanding of organization and concepts such as IT skills. Developing these and continuing to practice with different needs
Describing the dilemma faced by the industy relative to health care Essay
Describing the dilemma faced by the industy relative to health care benefits - Essay Example Healthcare benefit plans hence vary with states or organizations. With the dynamic business environment, most organizations have resorted to technology to fight for their lives in the highly competitive markets and industries. However, the best way to keep being relevant in a business is always through having the best human resource. The best human resource is that which is healthy, innovative and highly motivated to execute the endeavors of the organization. Long-term profits are ensured by proper medical plans to an organizationââ¬â¢s employees (Wurman, 2004). Every organization rates their risky situations differently. Generally, a sound healthcare plan encompasses; services of the ambulance, emergency, health cure, mental healthcare services, maternity, newborn care services, drug and substance abuse, guidance and counseling among others. In addition, varying healthcare insurance plans such as Health Maintenance organizations and preferred provider organizations in varying proportions provide the healthcare cover to organizations (Wurman, 2004). The benefits of provision of healthcare benefits to employees are numerous. Manufacturing organizations for instance operate in highly risky environment. Employees in such organizations therefore are prone to injuries. The best way to keep the best human resource in such a risky environment is by instilling a motivating factor. Being healthy and assured of health benefits is a motivating factor to individuals. Employees are easily motivated to industriously work hard and take risks whenever need be. Risk taking assists in innovation and creativity (Clemens, Cutler, & National Bureau of Economic Research, 2013). This, in turn improves the profitability of the organization. Organizations with employees having health covers always have their human resource intact as they only occasionally lose their employees to sick leaves. An organization is better placed in acquiring
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Reckoning essay on Wechlers Vermeer in Bosnia Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Reckoning on Wechlers Vermeer in Bosnia - Essay Example I did not know the people who died in the Moscow subway, yet my friend quite rationally assumed that it would touch me more, considering it happened in my home town. His rationality was built on the assumption that because I lived there, I was somehow closer to the mental concept of the tragedy. Perhaps I was, but I do not think I felt anything more exceptional than my friend did for those people. It seemed like something you ought to feel sad about, yet in the end we both went to get our afternoon coffee. I think about why we, as people, think that just because we belong to a certain geographical place, the events unfolding there should matter to us more. Perhaps the event would have mattered to me more if I had been in Moscow still. Just like Vermeer who was visibly affected by the war; the war resulted in the ââ¬Å"devastation of the Dutch economy and Vermeerââ¬â¢s own â⬠¦ bankruptcyâ⬠(Weschler 15), which eventually may have even caused him to die at the young age of 42. Yet, in his paintings, one finds a sense of calm and peacefulness. This sense of calm is so apparent that Antonio Cassese, an Italian judge presiding over the Yugoslav War Crimes Tribunal, confides to Weschler that his way of keeping his sanity in front of all the madness and chaos of the Yugoslav war, and listening to the vivid stories of the inhumanity of humans, is to go ââ¬Å"to the Mauritshuis museum, in the center of town, so as to spend a little time with the Vermeersâ⬠(Weschler 14). The paintings of Vermeer in the Mauritshuis museum offer something akin to that to Weschler as well. He is sure, as are others who have had the chance to gaze upon the paintings and try to find a deeper meaning to them, that something like peace and tranquility is transmitted through these paintings. Albeit there are those (like Snow) who find a very different, and sexual, meaning to the paintings, however, Weschler feels that, surrounded by chaos, Vermeer was trying to
Patterns of international trade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Patterns of international trade - Essay Example China, which experienced rapid development over the last fifty years which catapulted it into the position of the second most powerful economy, continues to cultivate a strong relationship with Latin American countries in the 21st century. Globalisation avails numerous challenges as well as opportunities for countries that wish to develop greater trading experiences even if they are located in different parts of the world. Globalisation has also brought about the phenomenon of economic interdependence which encourages nations from all over the world to seek for trading ties with each other. While seeking to further develop their cooperative relationship, both Latin American countries and China are faced with different challenges and have to find strategic ways of overcoming these issues in order to mutually benefit from their trading relationships. Even though the Latin American region is culturally as well as geographically disparate from China, their governments have been successful in establishing trading relationships with each other since the days of yore. The first recorded exchange between Latin America and China is said to have taken place in the mid-16th century. This exchange resulted in the creation of a trade route, identified as ââ¬Ëthe Sea Silk Roadââ¬â¢, which ran across the Pacific Ocean. This route would pass through the Philippines (Rosales and Kuwayama 2012). This route was used by the Chinese merchants to ferry commodities like textiles, embroidery, and flatware to Latin America, which was then identified as being part of the New World. The Chinese would then be rewarded with goods such as maize, silvers, and tobacco by nations like Peru and Mexico. These were loaded in carracks which were then given to the Chinese. In 1840, at the end of the Opium War, there were numerous Chinese labourers who were r elocated to Latin America for work purposes. These labourers would contribute significantly to the regionââ¬â¢s cultural as
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Reckoning essay on Wechlers Vermeer in Bosnia Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Reckoning on Wechlers Vermeer in Bosnia - Essay Example I did not know the people who died in the Moscow subway, yet my friend quite rationally assumed that it would touch me more, considering it happened in my home town. His rationality was built on the assumption that because I lived there, I was somehow closer to the mental concept of the tragedy. Perhaps I was, but I do not think I felt anything more exceptional than my friend did for those people. It seemed like something you ought to feel sad about, yet in the end we both went to get our afternoon coffee. I think about why we, as people, think that just because we belong to a certain geographical place, the events unfolding there should matter to us more. Perhaps the event would have mattered to me more if I had been in Moscow still. Just like Vermeer who was visibly affected by the war; the war resulted in the ââ¬Å"devastation of the Dutch economy and Vermeerââ¬â¢s own â⬠¦ bankruptcyâ⬠(Weschler 15), which eventually may have even caused him to die at the young age of 42. Yet, in his paintings, one finds a sense of calm and peacefulness. This sense of calm is so apparent that Antonio Cassese, an Italian judge presiding over the Yugoslav War Crimes Tribunal, confides to Weschler that his way of keeping his sanity in front of all the madness and chaos of the Yugoslav war, and listening to the vivid stories of the inhumanity of humans, is to go ââ¬Å"to the Mauritshuis museum, in the center of town, so as to spend a little time with the Vermeersâ⬠(Weschler 14). The paintings of Vermeer in the Mauritshuis museum offer something akin to that to Weschler as well. He is sure, as are others who have had the chance to gaze upon the paintings and try to find a deeper meaning to them, that something like peace and tranquility is transmitted through these paintings. Albeit there are those (like Snow) who find a very different, and sexual, meaning to the paintings, however, Weschler feels that, surrounded by chaos, Vermeer was trying to
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Harassment at the Workplace Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 23
Harassment at the Workplace - Research Paper Example Based on data collected from a multiple of sources, this research paper established that discrimination against the disabled is quite prevalent in the country, and is perpetrated by the very people obliged by law to protect the integrity of every employee, the employer. Similar, the prevalence of sexual harassment at the workplace have hit staggering figures such as those reported by Gruber at ââ¬Å"between 28 percent and 75 percentâ⬠(Gumport, 2009). Yet, there is a perpetual fear that the most affected group, women interns, never get to report their ordeal for fear of retribution and the apparent in federal and state laws that protect this particular group of persons. An average adult spends approximately one third of his/her life at the workplace. The resulting interaction inherently causes work issues since it is virtually impossible to have a workplace devoid of conflict, whether spontaneous or systematic. Such workplace issues may result in negative psychological symptoms. For instance, numerous researchers have attributed the high prevalence of mental health issues such as depression and anxiety to perceived stress at the workplace. Presently, while many organizations are embracing diversity and stratification, an apparent laxity in taming innately malicious individuals or systems have seen a rise in cases of harassment and discrimination. The scope of such discrimination range from unfair hiring or biased treatment of individuals based on their race, gender (including pregnancy), religion, national origin, age, disability, among others. Harassment on the other hand relates to unwelcome conduct based on the unit or a combination of elements enumerated earlier.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Process of Recruitment Selection
Process of Recruitment Selection Executive Summary: The assignment is prepared to explain the process of Recruitment Selection Which involves identifying and attracting the potential candidates from within and outside the organization and evaluating them for future employment. Todays tight labour in the market is making it more difficult for organizations to find, recruit, and select talented people. The competition for talent is intensifying, as there is a huge talent in the market. This makes it more important for the organizations to effectively select and retain quality candidates. Better recruitment and selection strategies result in improved organizational outcomes. The more effectively organizations recruit and select candidates, the more likely they are to hire and retain satisfied employees. The study is based on the process of Recruitment Selection of the candidates on the basis of which they will be utilizing their skills for the growth and functions of the organization. Introduction: In the current scenario, there is a lot of talent in the market so the process of Recruitment selection has also been made difficult. For instance, Getting into IIMs is really a tough job or getting into a firm called Golden Gate, really calls for competition. So particular attention is given to core skills required in a selection interview such as planning, avoiding potential distortion, questioning, listening and evaluation. Process of recruitment attracts three stages: Identify define the recruitment, attract potential applicants and selecting the appropriate people, this also helps in determining the organizational objectives. Objective: The objective of making this report is to examine the overall process of Recruiting selecting in the interest of the organization. In other words, it is also important to note if the HR plans are implemented or not. Recruitment Selection: The process of recruitment selection deals with the attainment of organizational objectives by selecting the most appropriate candidate. Internet has become the most effective method of recruitment as it saves time and cost of the Recruiters and the Candidates too. In order to achieve the objectives of the organization the HR also follow some practices like Ability Tests, Behavior based interviews and also analyze the candidates knowledge required for the concerned job. Initially, it involves short listing of those candidates who are eligible for the mentioned profile. Then, the candidate is required to present his ability and knowledge by undertaking some tests which are based to analyze the knowledge of the candidate. Then the candidates are required to take interview on the basis of which the skills of the candidates are evaluated. Then after this stage, HR selects those candidates whom he thinks will prove to be beneficial for the organization. The role of the human resource function is two-fold: 1. To participate in the decision process by providing information and opinion on each option, including: * Redundancy or recruitment costs * Consequences on morale * Redeployment/outplacement opportunities * Availability of skilled staff within the organization * Availability of suitable people in the job market * Time constraints * Development/training needs/schedules * Management requirements. This forms part of the information collated from the organization as a whole 2. To support line managers dealing with the people consequences of implementing the decision. Information already gathered provides the basis for a human resource plan.) (Human Resource Management, R P Mohanty) Issues Related to Recruitment Selection: In order to perform a suitable criteria for selection, there exists different issues as it entails high competition on the technical aspects of different organizations. The recruitment process has been very challenging in todays scenario, since there is lot of competition in the market and to employ the best workforce, the best practices should be adopted, like Reliability, Validity, Costs, Professional Image and Candidate Reaction.. Validation is a process of establishing a relationship between performance on a selection method and other independently observable measures of the attributes being tested. Costs of employing a candidate is also measured both in quantitative qualitative terms, like Training costs and employee costs (salary). Apart from this the recruitment process also depends upon factors like the economy situation, the companys performance, its reputation, its market share If the economy is doing well then there would be more hiring in the organizations. Other issues like Gender Bisedness, dominancy by seniors also prevail in the market The cost and time of following through the selection procedures Employment processes can be long and costly giving rise to the temptation to take shortcuts. However a rushed employment process can be more time consuming and costly in the long run. The aim is to get the best applicant for the job in open competition. There should be no short cuts in the selection process, particularly at the short listing stage. All members of the panel should have the opportunity to see all applications and have an opportunity to have input into the short list of applicants. Conflicts of interest If a panel member is closely related or in an intimate personal relationship there is a potential conflict of interest which should be declared and a replacement found. When an applicant is known personally to members of the selection panel, or is part of their social or professional network there may be a conflict of interest or the perception that one exists. In this case it is extremely important to be vigilant in following the set procedures. The selection committee should not receive additional information (e.g. anecdotal material) about an applicant outside the recruitment process. Such information could be based on hearsay or may be influenced by the personal bias of the member who presents the information. Use of personal characteristics as selection criteria Problems may arise as a result of requiring that an applicant be ââ¬Ëassertiveââ¬â¢, ââ¬Ëdynamicââ¬â¢, ââ¬Ëenthusiasticââ¬â¢ rather than clearly identifying what skills the job requires. (LA TROBE UNIVERSITY) According to Mr SUSAN.R. MEISINGER, There exists four Cs in HR Profession: Competent, Curious, Courageous and Caring. Competent: An HR Professional must be competent enough to face all the challenges that come in front of him/her and able to work in a competitive environment in the interest of the Organizational objectives. Curious: The HR must be curious to know the information related to candidates which must be in the interest of the organization. It should not be against the interest of the candidate. For example, he should not be asked any question which him feel uncomfortable. Courageous: The HR must be courageous enough to employ the best staff vis-à -vis taking into consideration the costs of the organization. Here is a case explained that Nokia Company wishing to hire some Professionals in the company, the HR (Mr. Halstein Moerk) was courageous enough to deal with the costs benefits of the organization.( Caring: It is a saying that Money is not everything, so the HR should be caring in terms of providing monetary benefits and other amenities like Transporting Facility, fooding etc. Conclusion: Above all, the process recruitment selection has all the way become more difficult. Since the organizations want to hire more talented and effective employees and can create a difference in the interest of the organization. The organizations have adopted different methods of recruiting a candidate. Different kinds of agencies are used to recruit for positions at different levels. Temporary and government agencies are used mainly to recruit non-management candidates. Employment agencies, colleges, and professional organizations are used more often to recruit managerial/professional. Although nearly all (97 percent) the organizations already use behavior-based interviews to some extent when selecting employees, nearly half (49 percent) plan to use them more frequently in the future. This type of structured interview can be used to validly predict future behavior in dimensions (or competencies) critical to job success. Less than 20 percent of organizations currently use testing or assessment methods extensively in their selection process. However, organizations plan to increase their use of applicant testing and assessment in the future. These structured approaches to assess skills, abilities, and knowledge can significantly reduce the candidate pool by eliminating those who fail to meet the minimum job qualifications. Finally, better recruitment and selection strategies result in improved organizational outcomes. The more effectively organizations recruit and select candidates, the more likely they are to hire and retain satisfied employees. In addition, the effectiveness of an organizations selection system can influence bottom-line business outcomes, such as productivity and financial performance. Hence, investing in the development of a comprehensive and valid selection system is money well spent.
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